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Liveable Streets Liverpool

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Liveable Streets Liverpool - platform closing on 30th October

Thank you to everyone that has contributed to the site over the last few months, we have a lot of really useful comments and feedback from the people that live in and around Liverpool. As we approach the end of October and in view of the falling off of visits to the site over the last month, we are closing comments on the page so that we can make further good use of your thoughts and ideas.

We have found the information that people have provided both useful and insightful and have already acted on some of the feedback.

The next stage is to further collate and understand everyone's contributions and where possible use them to guide our interventions and planning in the future. Once we have developed a summary sheet we will share some of the headlines through our usual Liverpool City Council communication channels.

Thank you again for your input and stay safe.

Posted on 28th October 2020

by Liverpool City Council